Fine sheet metal work
ISSOIRE AVIATION has a 1,500m2 fine sheet metal work and machining unit for mechanical components.
The sheet metal and metal components necessary for manufacturing your aeronautical structures are produced in-house.
This unit supplements our own know-how in composite materials and assembly and integration. We also integrally control the entire production process.

Cutting presses.
Stamping presses.
Digital trimming
Laser trimming.
Digital folding.
Heat treatment of alloys.
Profile hanging.
Welding of aluminium, stainless steel and steel alloys (TIG, MIG)

Z.A La Béchade Aérodrome Issoire/Le Broc
63500 Issoire
Phone : +33 (0)4 73 89 01 54
Fax : +33 (0)4 73 89 54 59
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